Annabel's Travelblog
The journal of an occasional traveller.
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14 October 2019
October holiday, 14 October
Nuits St Georges, France. The trouble with a holiday like this is that there is such a lot of driving, especially if one would rather not pa...
13 October 2019
October holiday, 13 October
Chamery, France. So yesterday we had a Circuit training event in Bellingham, near Lewisham, which is very close to the A20 and cut a good h...
12 October 2019
Geekery gone wrong
So yesterday, after grandmother duty, I decided to be a total geek and go home by bus, as the 48 was being withdrawn from service. They have...
22 September 2019
... And yet another aviation museum
Two years ago, we spent the weekend in Scotland for me to attend the AGMT of the NCC. Last year it was a one-day affair in London, but thi...
19 September 2019
Going bats
Windmill Gardens is only ten minutes' walk from where I live, but it really isn't somewhere I go very often, these days. Last time...
16 September 2019
Early Autumn Holiday, 16 September 2019
Brixton, I hadn't really intended to post today, but we had a New Experience on our way home. We were not able to get on an earlier s...
15 September 2019
Early autumn holiday, 15 September 2019
Cité de l'Europe We didn't set off until noon, as the Swan Whisperer wanted a good walk (despite having had a run before breakfast) ...
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