
22 August 2022

Summer Holiday, 22 August 2022

So we thought we would visit the leisure baths this morning sine we had a €5 coupon. We They were cheaper than the ones at Amnéville, but not as nice - the currents weren't as strong and there weren't the massage points. What there were, though, were a variety of water slides, and I, stupidly, decided to go down one where you sat in an inner tube. Big mistake! 

I am far too fat for this to have been in any way, shape or form a plan. The current just lifted my legs (which presumably weigh a great deal less than the rest of me) and hefted me out of the tube, sending me down the slide battered, and gasping for air as the waters broke over my head. The absolute worst was that there was a pause half-way down and simply no way of getting out other than going down. 

That was the end of any swimming for me; I sat in a chair, gasping for breath, heart going far faster than it likes, wobbling and hoping I wasn't going to be sick. I wasn't, thankfully, but my neck hurt and my back is still a bit achey this evening. Never, ever again! 

So once we had changed, we went back to the WoMo and I lay down for half an hour with a couple of paracetamol while the SW used the services and we got ready to leave. I had to pull myself together then, as we had no bread and if we were to have lunch, this needed to be rectified ASAP. So we went to the nearest Edeka and I was pleased to find some fresh chillies, which I had been looking for for some days. 

After lunch, we set off and drove here to a town with the lovely name of Bad Fallingbostel, where we are parked up in an aire by an open-water swimming pool. Warm welcome from the woman on duty - did we want electricity, if so she would go and get the cables, etc. All found for €12, except there is nowhere to empty the loo. However, we did that this morning, so not a problem. 

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