I just wrote a long post all about today, and it has vanished! Bugger.
We set off late, and should, in hindsight, have gone down the M3, which would have been quicker. Plus we got stuck in a massive traffic jam on the A3 due to emergency gas works, or something of the kind. By the time we had stopped for lunch, in a random services on the A31, we were running about an hour late.
But we made it to my cousin's in the end, and it was lovely to see her and her husband again. The road to theirs was very wet, though, and even worse coming back. I hope they are not cut off, or worse, by morning.
We drive on to try to get to our stopping-place for the night, but couldn't get there because the main road was closed, and so was the side road the Satnav found as an alternative. So we sadly rang them up to say we couldn't make it, and came back to a truck stop near Yeovil where we had planned to spend Wednesday night (and probably still will).
It is too dark to see what it is like, but there are plenty of other motor homes parked up, and we are dry and snug after scary driving through floods and the car battery saying it wasn't charging.... It still has 2/3 charge, though, so not too drastic yet, and the habitation battery is fine.
The Swan Whisperer is cooking sausage and mash, and there is beer in the fridge! I have just realised I have forgotten the wine, though. Bugger.
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