31 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 31 May

I was overtired last night and didn't sleep too well, which was annoying as I knew we would have to do quite a lot of walking today. However, paracetamol settled the worst of my aches and pains, and I did sleep in the motor home!

After using the services, we headed off towards Terezin, where the infamous ghetto was situated. Most of the town seems to be a museum, and you'd have needed a great deal more energy than I had available to see it all, so we walked into the town and decided to visit the ghetto museum, detailing the history of, and life in, the ghetto, and how towards the end of the war it was used as a transit camp to the extermination camps and so on. I wish I could think that nothing so ghastly could ever happen again, but....

When we had finished in the museum it was lunch time and we had a traditional Czech meal of pork and dumplings, mine in a bed of cabbage with caraway seeds which was lush. The dumplings were interesting - they looked and tasted like ordinary slices of white bread, and a quick Google confirmed that this is more or less what they are, only boiled rather than baked. I must try this at home.

After lunch, and an ice cream from a stall in the car park, we headed on and stopped somewhere for the Swan Whisperer to go somewhere and do something that I expect he did tell me but I was asleep. I do know it involved a ferry across the Elbe, and there was a very busy train line where we were parked, but he has taken some pictures which I hope he will post.

When he came back we had a cup of tea and then drove on to Dresden, where we grabbed almost the last space in the aire! The SW is getting supper.

Late Spring Holiday, 30 May

So, Prague. We set off around 10:00 and caught the tram to the Old Town. It was a lovely day, bright blue skies, such a contrast to recent ones.

We walked across the Karlovy Most, or Charles Bridge, full of statues and tourists, and on the other side found where we could catch a tram up to the Castle. It was quite funny as the tram was, of course, packed full of tourists and every time we came to a stop someone  would think we had arrived and people would pile out, only to pile back in again when a local said it wasn't. However, we finally did arrive at the correct stop and the tram promptly emptied.

They have had to introduce security at the various entrances to the Castle grounds, so we duly queued up to have our bags searched and to walk through a metal detector, as at an airport. Then we were free to explore.

First, we explored the Gardens, which were very beautiful,

and led down to the Summer Palace where there was an exhibition of photographs documenting the events  of 1989 in the various countries affected, which was amazing and really interesting.

Then we walked down past the Cathedral and the various other buildings in the complex and down and down and down until we came out at the bottom.

Citymapper doesn't work here, alas, but it wasn't difficult to find a tram to take us back across the river from where we walked up to Old Town Square, which we looked round briefly. Last time we were here, it had been full of stalls selling pashminas - this was before the days when cheap viscose ones were ubiquitous - pretty glass bottles, and bread necklaces. I remembered that the SW had bought me such a pretty blue glass necklace that I wore and wore until it broke.

No stalls there now, though; just a throng of tourists. We made our way to the Mozart Café, where we met our friend J and her husband and had lunch and watched the Astronomical Clock chime, with its procession of apostles. 

After that, we said goodbye to our friends and headed a few streets on to meet another friend for coffee and cake - delicious cake, but I rather wished I'd had an ice cream instead as it gave me indigestion. But worth it! 

And then, exhausted, back to the camp site to collapse. We didn't want more than a token supper!

29 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 29 May

Today has been a rest day as far as I'm concerned. We took one look at the traffic on the motorway between Brno and Prague and told the Sat-nav not to take us on toll roads today! 

It was, of course, a longer drive but very pretty across the Czech countryside interspersed with Czech villages and accompanied by Czach birds singing very loudly - even here in Prague. For some reason I was very sleepy, and when we arrived at this very nice campsite didn't really want to go out, so the SW went for a walk and I rested.  Tomorrow we will explore!

28 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 28 May

So today was all about Brno. It rained. It would be a lovely city if it was fine. But it rained.
We decided to catch the 11:20 boat down the river and dam; the pier is my a short walk from the camp site, which seems, at this time of year at any rate, to provide most of the users of the boat, which dawdles leisurely down the river to the suburb of Bystrc, from which one catches a tram to the city centre. This also takes about 30 minutes, so it was lunch time by the time we arrived at the central station.

We wandered into a random restaurant which turned out to be an Italian one. The Swan Whisperer had a mushroom pizza, but as I only quite like pizza and had had one only the other day, I ordered fettuccine with salmon, and very good it was, too, with cream and spinach and Parmesan. Of course, I could have made it at home, but hey... Anyway that, with some beer, filled us up nicely, so we then walked through the city centre. 
Really, we could have spent longer, and perhaps explored further, as really all we saw was your typical Euro-high-street. But it was attractive. There was one place we turned left to see a vegetable market, but we sin turned back to the main drag, and then got a tram back to  Bystrc. Of course, we were an hour too early for the boat, so we killed some time exploring a large Penny Markt next to the tram stop, and then bought an iced lolly (me) and a coffee (the SW, who said it was instant and nasty) and sat in the rain for 30 minutes waiting for the ferry, which came at last.

By the time we got back to the camp site I was cold and wet, so got undressed and have been reading and knitting in my nice warm bed ever since. It has, of course, stopped raining, but it's very grey and "dreich".

27 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 27 May

It was always going to be a long old drive today, so we didn't dawdle. The Swan Whisperer went for a run before breakfast, and then I went for a walk after it round a bit of the Toscana Nature Park. There was a circular walk round more of the park I would have liked to have done, but it would have taken another 30-45 minutes and I thought I'd better not take the time.
Our first stop was for diesel and groceries, mostly fruit. Then we drove on, telling the Sat-nav that we would rather go across country via Linz, even though it would take longer. It was a pleasant drive, although mostly on single-carriageway roads which were fine until you got stuck behind really slow lorries! 

We stopped for lunch shortly before the Czech border, which we crossed at Slavonice. The border crossing had a sort of duty-free shop, which annoyed me by not being able to sell us vignettes for the Czech motorways. However, we were able to get one in the first petrol station we passed, so that was all right. Again, the journey was mostly on single-carriageway roads, but the last 30 km or so was on the motorway. 

We arrived at the camp site - Camping Hana - at about 17:00, to find they have a rally of British motor homes here! Ah well.... We were also warned not to park where we had first thought, as they expect heavy rain and we might be stuck. And, indeed, the rain appears to be coming in as I write this..

The SW went into the village to get currency, and I am shortly going to get supper. We are here for two nights, so tomorrow we will explore Brno.

26 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 26 May

I think I must have slept the clock round last night! It was not much past 9:00 when I fell asleep, and it was almost 9 when I finally came awake. I had got up at least twice in the night, of course, and at 06:30 had quite thought I was awake for the day, but no! 

Today is just over half-way through the holiday, so after breakfast the Swan Whisperer changed the sheets. While this was happening, I walked to the nearby bakery - German bakeries open on Sunday mornings - and bought rolls for lunch and, as it was Sunday, two slices of raspberry cake. The assistant found it necessary to draw my attention to the fact that it was yesterday's cake, being sold off at half price, did I mind? Well, duh....

We had decided to stop in Bad Reichenhall for lunch, but it was further than we thought (and I picked the wrong car park) and lunch basically didn't happen until about 15:00, which was a nuisance. Then we drove on to Gmunden, but the SW wanted to go a scenic route which did not really agree with me. Oh well.... When we got here, I flopped on the bed to read and he went for a walk, and we didn't sit down to supper until gone 20:30.  I hope our meals will be at more civilised times tomorrow!

25 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 25 May

It has been, we are all agreed, a very long week! But a lovely one. Today we got up early and the SW went for a run. Then after breakfast we returned the van to touring condition, used the services and drove up to the Oyebele car park, which is free with a Kurkarte. The SW then returned the Kurkarten to the Wöhnmobilstellplatz and we went into the rink to watch the final day of skating.

It was well worth watching, as the last day always is, with the free dance at all levels up to the wonderful performances from Gary Beacom and Midori Ito. And then we "softly and silently vanished away" to the supermarket and then over to Peiting in the pouring rain. The swimming-pool isn't open yet, and I don't know who would want to use it, even if it were as it is very cold and wet.
It has been a good Oberstdorf, I think. 7 days now, but the extra half-day meant there were fewer very early starts or very late nights. But what there were far to many of were injuries that were serious enough that people had to withdraw. At least one of the British team had to go to hospital and have broken bones set, and there were too many other injuries, mostly caused by carelessness on practice ice. Accidents happen, of course, but there were just too many this year!

24 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 24 May

Today's skating started at 09:00, so I set up the alarm for 07:00  and we were there in good time. The weather was once again lovely, and as, by some miracle, I had no shopping to do, I spent one of the breaks sitting in the sun!

Today is the first day all week that my fitbit hasn't registered 5k steps, but even so it is 4.5k!  I am very tired and stiff from sitting in these uncomfortable seats, but it is worth it. 

The skating has been excellent, but this evening it is pairs so we have had supper and the SW has gone back to watch. I don't enjoy watching pairs, so have gone to bed, although I have no idea of snuggling down for awhile yet.
Pink Alpengluen - rain is on the way!

23 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 23 May

We had all asked F to bring the sun with her when she came over yesterday, and she really seems to have done  so. In a huge contrast to the last few days, today was utterly glorious, and really warm.

There was no skating we wanted to watch this morning, so I went for a walk in the town and the SW went for a walk with friends. We had invited them to lunch, and I made a Greek salad to go with our rolls and cheese, and a big fruit salad for pudding.  And we drank beer, and then went over to the rink to watch the skating, which we did for the rest of the day, slipping out for a very quick pizza at Zohran's during a resurface.

The ice dance started today and watching the Bronze dances made me sad as the ISU has admitted more dances to its canon, so one of the dances
was the Willow waltz, which I used to skate competitively, although not well. I remembered why and how much I love ice dancing, and although I know, realistically, I am never going to be able to do it again, I still miss it sometimes!

22 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 22 May

It has stopped raining!  It woke me up when it stopped in the night, as I am so used to the white noise of rain on the roof!  But it began again, and was still drizzly this morning. 

Today was the longest day of skating, starting at 08:35 and finishing at 22:15. We had to be there for the start, as a friend was skating second and we waved tu cheer her on. She was carrying a slight injury and not quite sure whether she would be able to skate - we would  have been annoyed had she withdrawn as we could have had another 30 minutes in bed! However, she skated beautifully, adjusting her programme to her limitations, so we were glad to be there to cheer her.

We wanted to watch all morning, but there was a long gap in the afternoon and early evening with nothing of interest to us, and it had finally stopped raining so I went for a walk around the town (they have closed the wool shop!) and the SW went for a 14k walk/run in the mountains, coming back very hot and sweaty so he had to buy a shower token and use the showers in the sanitary block as we don't normally have hot water at that time of day!

We then had supper and went back to the rink to watch for the rest of the evening. On the way, my water-bottle leaked and all the contents of my bag got wet! At least there is some prospect of its drying out....

21 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 21 May

I was a little worried in the night as there is a stream running through the campground leading to what we think is a hydro-electric generator, and last night it was very, very full!  However, when we left the van this morning, we found a sluice had obviously been closed, and it was empty and in no danger of overflowing. Great relief!

The rain has continued all day - I wore my wellies to the rink and was glad of them. Didn't do much other than watch skating, knit, grab some rolls from the supermarket and watch skating. We had dinner in Zohrans, the restaurant above the rink, and very good it was, too. I had a steak, which was lovely, and the SW had pasta with mushrooms, which I remember from previous years is also lovely!
Tomorrow is the longest day of skating, with the artistic competitions now over and the free skates starting, so we have gone to bed early.

20 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 20 May

We didn't hurry out of bed this morning, and when we were getting breakfast the Swan Whisperer accidentally knocked his cup off the side when he was about to put tea in it, spilling milk all over the rug. The cup didn't break, and we had plenty of milk, but we were even later than we might otherwise have been because of course the rug had to be scrubbed or it would have smelt.

So we missed the first class we would have liked to have seen, but watched most of the rest of the morning. I did skip out to go into town to buy the SW a pair of shoelaces and me a slightly more waterproof tote bag, but then got the bus on its return journey to the rink.

But it was raining. It has rained the entire day and shows no sign of stopping. After a sandwich lunch at the rink, we watched a bit more skating, but when we had seen all our friends in Bronze Ladies II Artistic (2 of whom finished 2nd and 3rd) I came away. Did a bit of grocery shopping and then curled up in my bed and read (well, dozed) for a bit and got very, very cold. Don't know why as I was dressed and had the duvet over me, but I got so chilled I couldn't even reach out to turn the heating on. The SW, who had wrapped up against the rain and gone for a walk, turned it on when he came in, and soon I was warm enough to make a very lazy lentil curry. Which was lovely, but would have been even nicer with a handful of sultanas in it. Maybe next time I'll chop up an apple... We had asparagus to start with and ice cream to finish.

I decided against going back to the rink and am now curled up in bed with a hot-water-bottle and a rug over the duvet! I might even fish out some bedsocks - I think I packed a couple of pairs just in case.

19 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 19 May

I set the alarm for 07:00 this morning and we hurried through washing and dressing (and running, in the case of the SW) and breakfast to get to the rink before 09:00, only to find that they had changed the system and were now doing the accreditation in the office and our help wasn't wanted. We were most unimpressed, particularly as the main reason to volunteer was to get a free pass into the competition. As it was, we had to buy an all-event pass.

So we hung about watching practice and chatting to friends until it was time for the opening ceremony. We were saddened to learn of the death of a friend, who had been seriously ill for two years and more so not altogether unexpected, but still very sad.

After the Opening Ceremony (fizzy wine at 11:00 am, how decadent!), we went back to the van and had lunch. Virgin Mobile had given all its customers 5G of data to use today so I allegedly watched videos on my phone but in fact fell asleep!

We made it back to the rink in good time for the start of competition at 15:30,coming back to the van during Bronze Ladies I, as we didn't know anybody in it. We had an early supper and went back to watch the last couple of classes of the day, only to find that my cowbell wasn't in my bag. I thought i must have left it in the rink and some kind soul had given it to Lost Property, but in fact found it on my bed when we got back, and the SW admitted to having tipped out when getting something earlier, which I do wish he had told me! Ah well, no harm done. In fact, rather the reverse - I couldn't find my folding mac this morning and assumed I'd left it at home, but found it in the bottom of my bag when I was looking for the cowbell!

18 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 18 May

Up fairly early this morning to have breakfast with the Niece, which was very pleasant and it was late morning before we got away for the third day's long drive. We stopped for lunch, and then at Memmingen to get diesel and a quick look round DM, and then on to Oberstdorf, where we are parked up for the week. I did a dash to the Norma and got some food, and then there was a nice cup of tea. The SW went up to the rink to see people, but I am not quite adjusted to the altitude (although it's a zillion times better than last year) so stayed in the van, and we decided to have a quiet evening.

Late Spring Holiday, 17 May

Another long drive today, to Mannheim, where our niece lives.

First thing, the Swan Whisperer went for a run while I got breakfast and then we started off by retracing our steps a little to a very large Carrefour, which made the one at Cité Europe look tiny!  I did a bit of shopping, wincing slightly at the prices of things like tinned veg. However, fresh fruit and veg, which is what I mainly wanted, were reasonable and I got some, plus the cream cheese I had forgotten to get the previous day and ice cream for supper pudding. Plus a tray of olives and sliced salami for nibbles.

We then drove and drove, doing at a random aire for lunch and again for diesel, and arrived here about 16:45, in nice time for a cup of tea and the SW went for a leg stretch while I stayed in the van as it was hot, so we had everything open to air it out, and someone had to be there!

Our niece arrived about six and we had a lovely evening with her, eating the aforementioned nibbles and ice cream with a butternut squash and mushroom risotto in between and killing off a bottle of Mas Alart rosé. It was great.

16 May 2019

Late Spring Holiday, 16 May

The worst thing about the trip to Oberstdorf is the drive across Belgium on the first full day! Belgian motorways are dull and slow.

At breakfast it was nice to be able to listen to the radio on our new portable via Bluetooth from our phones.  It doesn't seem to use much data, and of course we should have WiFi in Oberstdorf.
First thing after breakfast was shopping. We were able to get a new mini-jack cable, which works, so we can play music through the new car radio despite the USB connection not working. The Swan Whisperer also bought himself a new pair of shorts so he can run, having decided to use yesterday's t-shirt as the top. He wears ordinary socks, so that's OK. 

I forgot to buy cream cheese, though, which is a bore, but easily rectified. 

We decided to break the journey at the Strépy-Thieu boat lift, which is always nice, even though the route is a little longer.
Not helped by the fact that the new Sat-nav decided we were over 3.5 tonnes so must obey the HGV speed limits.  This didn't really matter in France, where they are 100 Kph on the motorways, as the SW tends to drive at that speed anyway, but was a bit in Belgium where it is 90, as it kept beeping at us for being over the speed limit. Which we really weren't as we are not over 3.5 tonnes.  I was able to fix this eventually, though, through the simple expedient of telling it we were a light camper, not a heavy one which was what I had originally told it. It still knows our dimensions and will programme routes accordingly.

Lunch was the usual bread, cheese etc, and I bought us raspberry tartlets to celebrate, and also some gariguette strawberries. Then we both went for a breath of air - I had  to wind my wool first as the ball had collapsed - and then  pressed on, stopping once as the SW needed a break. We got here eventually and had a cup of tea and now the SW is going to go for a walk before dinner.

15 May 2019

Late Spring holiday, 15 May

It is nearly time for the annual ISU competition in Oberstdorf, so we are off again. Only in Calais so far, but I managed to exhaust myself getting ready to go and am glad it was not further.

We were nearly late arriving at Folkestone, but were able to go straight through, only to discover we couldn't make the USB connection to our new car radio work, and as that was the whole point of buying a new one, we are not impressed. Then we had trouble getting the SW's phone connected to the new Sat-nav, but managed that in the end, and I was able to connect my phone to the portable radio, so we can have our favourite stations via the various apps on my phone. I have also downloaded some podcasts, and some films on to my tablet, so we shall not want for entertainment this trip.