30 July 2024

Summer Break, 30 July 2024

Saint-Junien, Nouelle-Aquitaine
Which is Limousin, really, of course. 

We both slept as one stunned last night - I did get bad cramp at one stage, and had to walk up and down the WoMo until it wore off, but after that, I didn't stir until 5:30 am, and after that, not until nearly 8!

The Swan Whisperer would have liked to have gone for a run, but quite understood when I asked him not to, as I really couldn't cope if he had a bad fall! So he agreed, but instead went out for a short walk. He went out for a longer one after breakfast, and I sat and did my anti-senility puzzles!

When he came back he had his coffee before we went to the local E Leclerc, where I was able to score a new toothbrush, although not as posh as my dead one. Still, it will do the job more than adequately, and was a lot cheaper. Yes, I could have used the Swan Whisperer's (swapping brush heads, of course), until I got home, but his is even older than mine was.... 

Anyway, we drove to the hospital car park and had lunch there, as rather more salubrious than the supermarket car park! Mum was okay - no better than you would expect the day after such a serious operation. I have seen the x-rays, but she says I am NOT to publish them, so I won't; family only! However, I gather my GP cousin says it was a classic neck of femur fracture, and they have done a good job of screwing her up! She was able to sit out of bed, but spent most of her time asleep, and, although she knew perfectly well who we were, where he was, and why, she was a bit "wandery" and not totally with it. Only to be expected.

We sat with her for awhile, and I went to the Office to wrestle with insurance forms, which I have filled in but need signed - we couldn't get them in a format where the hospital could print them off, alas. Anyway, I hope it will be all right, and I hope to speak to the insurers tomorrow.

Best case scenario, from our point of view, would be for them to arrange an air ambulance to our local hospital on Friday, but whether that can happen, I don't know. 

She was very sleepy, so we came away and left her to sleep - best thing for her at this stage, of course.

We drove a bit round the town, but it was still too hot to want to walk round the big church.The photos have blurry marks from the WoMo window on them! And I forgot Blogger only looked sideways photos. Oh well ! 

Back to the campsite, we have been sitting outside, catching up with things. The SW is getting supper, and then I expect we will do what we did last night, which was sit and read until the midges and darkness and late hour drove us in! 

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