We didn't hurry out of bed this morning, and when we were getting breakfast the Swan Whisperer accidentally knocked his cup off the side when he was about to put tea in it, spilling milk all over the rug. The cup didn't break, and we had plenty of milk, but we were even later than we might otherwise have been because of course the rug had to be scrubbed or it would have smelt.
So we missed the first class we would have liked to have seen, but watched most of the rest of the morning. I did skip out to go into town to buy the SW a pair of shoelaces and me a slightly more waterproof tote bag, but then got the bus on its return journey to the rink.
But it was raining. It has rained the entire day and shows no sign of stopping. After a sandwich lunch at the rink, we watched a bit more skating, but when we had seen all our friends in Bronze Ladies II Artistic (2 of whom finished 2nd and 3rd) I came away. Did a bit of grocery shopping and then curled up in my bed and read (well, dozed) for a bit and got very, very cold. Don't know why as I was dressed and had the duvet over me, but I got so chilled I couldn't even reach out to turn the heating on. The SW, who had wrapped up against the rain and gone for a walk, turned it on when he came in, and soon I was warm enough to make a very lazy lentil curry. Which was lovely, but would have been even nicer with a handful of sultanas in it. Maybe next time I'll chop up an apple... We had asparagus to start with and ice cream to finish.
I decided against going back to the rink and am now curled up in bed with a hot-water-bottle and a rug over the duvet! I might even fish out some bedsocks - I think I packed a couple of pairs just in case.