01 December 2021

Early winter, Wednesday 1 December 2021

Another horribly wet day, and I have developed a really bad cough, which is annoying and tiring. If I were at home I'd do a test, but not sure how to get them here.

We went to a Lidl this morning, which was a bust as they didn't have any fresh milk, and I got loo paper instead of kitchen paper by mistake, but they changed it for me. So we then programmed an E Leclerc in St Dizier into the SatNav, but when we got there there were barriers all round the car park, so we went to Intermarché instead, which didn't, and I got milk and a couple of other things, including "rognons sauce madère", which we both love, but haven't seen for ages - I thought they had stopped making them. We then had lunch, and then it rained and rained while we drove to Reims to use the services there, and there was space in the motor home park here. It's ok, but a lot of traffic noise. We nearly went back to Chaméry, but didn't. 

We didn't eat the rognons, either, but i made a big vegetable stew, which I hoped would do twice, but it didn't! Oh well. And the rain has stopped, for now, at least. 

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