28 April 2024

Late spring holiday 2024; 28 April

Today has been busy, to say the least! We got up fairly early and after breakfast loaded up the car and headed up to the church where I was preaching.

When the service was over, we were going to head straight for Sussex, but the Swan Whisperer said he'd forgotten his shoes, and I thought I'd forgotten my clock, so we called back at the flat very briefly (in fact, neither of us had forgotten anything!) and arrived in Sussex in time for a late, but badly needed, sandwich lunch before getting the WoMo out of the garage and loading it up.

We only unpacked the fridge stuff, because we were already late for the Bluebell walk. However, we do know our way around the woods, and we knew where my mother's car was going to be, so we put our car in the WoMo's garage and went on up the lane. Because it has been so wet, I put my wellies on. Big mistake! They are fine in towns, but the soles are very thin and I could feel every stone on the route, and by the time we reached my mother's car I had really had enough! But the bluebells are spectacular this year! 

 So I got in the car and we chatted until my sister came past with some of the "short walkers" and said nobody else wanted a lift so we drive down to the church where tea and cake was on offer. The walk and the tea were to raise funds for the Friends of Clapham and, and my sister tells me they made around £330!

We, meanwhile, went back to the WoMo once we had had our tea, and put away the stuff in the crates (groceries, mostly) which would not be safe to travel unsecured, and filled up with water. We set off at about 5:00 pm and arrived at Folkestone in time to get a Shuttle an hour earlier than booked. This was just as well, as it turned out, as when we got to the aire at Calais, we found it was closed for repairs! We have managed to take the last space in the aire at Marck, which we discovered at the end of last Holidays. At least we are that much further up the road for the morning! 

I am very tired and rather out of cope, so I am going to go to bed as soon as it has been made! 

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