28 February 2024

Early spring holiday 2024, 28 February

Fontanès, Gard.

What a difference a day makes. This morning, after breakfast, we walked around La Cavalerie. I didn't take many photos, (and this one shows my extremely juvenile sense of humour, especially as there were public loos in the street) as I did so last time we were here, which I think was a year ago. It was a very raw day, and somehow whichever way we went the wind was in our faces!

When we got back to the WoMo, the Swan Whisperer had some coffee and then walked up to a local dolmen he wanted to see. We used the services before heading off, as we will not have another chance for a couple of days now, we don't think.

Our drive was lovely, along the D999, which is such a pretty road - very hilly and hairpinny, and, if I am honest, a little frightening in places, but not unbearably so, and the views were absolutely spectacular. Plus the road ran through some wonderful little towns and villages.

One of the few signs of the farmers' protests here is that many - not all, but probably over half - the village name-boards have been turned upside-down! Not sloppily, but unscrewed and rescrewed so you would think they were meant to be like that! Wonderful. I expect in some villages the mayor has insisted they be returned to normal, and perhaps in some they haven't bothered in the first place, but an awful lot are like that. Not a thing I can really take a picture of, though, as we only really see them when driving through. If I do get a chance, I will.

We stopped once in a town called Ganges as we needed a new cube of gas, and a little further out of town in a lay-by to have lunch. Then we left the D999 to drive to this rather lovely parking-spot outside a monastery. They charge you €10 for the night, but it is very peaceful. There is a walk up to a statue of the Virgin, which the SW did, but he says it is very steep, so I don't suppose I shall go further than the Stations of the Cross tomorrow. We shall see.

It also depends on what the weather is doing - the sun came out in the late morning, and it has been really lovely ever since. This being the South of France, the ground looks very dry, even though there has probably been a great deal of rain. I hope the fine weather lasts! 

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