03 December 2023

Christmas Markets 3 December 2023

So we are off on our annual trip to the Christmas markets of Europe.  This time, we are going to Alsace, which we have done before and are looking forward to doing again. 

I was preaching this morning, so we couldn't set off until after that had happened, and by the time we got away it was about 11:45. It was a very smooth run down to Sussex - we had got the first 25 minutes or so of the journey just going down to church - and we arrived there just after 1. After a delicious lunch of soup (made by my mother), bread and cheese (supplied by us), we loaded up the WoMo and set off. We were away shortly before 4, and arrived at Folkestone just on 6 pm, to be offered a crossing an hour before our booked one. And in the event, we were loaded on to the one 90 minutes earlier, which was terrific. 

Even so, it was past 8 pm, French time, before we were parked up in the aire at Calais and cooking pasta and (pre-made) sauce for our supper. 

It is a bit colder here than it was in the UK, but not by much, and just as wet! The forecast for the UK had been horrible - snow and freezing rain - but in the event it was much milder than it had been. All the same, because the heating in the church I was preaching in had failed, we were really quite chilled. I am looking forward to curling up in bed with warm pyjamas and a hot-water bottle! 

I didn't take any photos today, so here is one of a ginger monster that I took yesterday on my way to tai chi! 

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