02 August 2024

Summer Break, 2 August 2024

Still at Saint-Junien!

Rather a dull morning, as all we did was a load of laundry (the French do wonderful laundrette in supermarket car parks) as we were going to run out of clothes else. I shopped, and then we bought gas, and that was about it for the morning.

In the afternoon we visited Mum (who is getting on very nicely now, thank you), and then, as it was a lot cooler, went for a walk around the old town, and had a long look inside the Church, which was lovely.
The Camping-Car network has gone down, which makes it very difficult to get in and out of the campsite - I gather it's a nationwide crash, so hope they get it fixed very soon! It was fine this morning when I extended our booking yet again, but had crashed by lunchtime. 

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