04 August 2024

Summer Break, Sunday 4 August 2024

What we hope will be our final night in Saint-Junien 

This morning the Daughter came for breakfast - my brother preferred to have his in the hotel - and then he came down, too, and they had another cup of coffee.

We decided it was silly to be so near Limoges and not visit it, so we went in my brother's car. We had a lovely walk around the city, and one of the main churches,
which was not, it turned out, the Cathedral, and a cup of coffee in a random café.

Sadly, coming back along minor, rather twisty roads made the Daughter feel rather carsick, which she said sometimes happens in diesel-powered vehicles. I lent her my seabands, which I wasn't using, and we changed places, but I think she was thankful to get back to the campsite ere worse befell! A glass of cold water, a drop of peppermint oil, and a sit-down soon put her to rights.

 My brother went off to see Mum - we had agreed to stagger our visits today so as not to overwhelm her. After lunch, the Daughter went on up, and we went up about an hour later. Of course, we did end up all together for awhile, so we three came away and left my brother - who will have to leave quite early tomorrow morning - to have a last hour or so with her in private.

We came back to the campsite and used the services, and then the Daughter, who had gone back to the hotel for a bit, came and joined us, and now she and the Swan Whisperer have gone for a walk, and I am relaxing until it is time to cook dinner for us all. 

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