10 October 2024

Early autumn holiday, 10 October 2024

Blériot-Plage, Calais, France

The sun was out this morning when we woke. The Swan Whisperer went for a run, as he usually does at Chamery, although he said that he had had to walk up some very slippery paths. When he came back and we had had breakfast, it was far too nice still to head straight on, so we went for a walk around the village and out into the vineyards. Every other house there either makes champagne, sells it, or both! It was very up and down, but I managed, although wearing my rather heavy waterproof trainers didn't help! 

Our first port of call was a nearby E Leclerc, where I did a Last Shop in France, and the Swan Whisperer got diesel. They do seem to have stopped making my "Agrumes" tea, which is very sad indeed. Oh well, can't be helped, and I do like Earl Grey. Anyway, I had to ring the Swan Whisperer to get him to come and carry the shopping, as I had only taken a small trolley (I had forgotten a token or coin for a big one) and they are not allowed out of the shop. 

Just as we were ready to leave, the rain started! We drove direct on the motorway, and stopped in a services not very far along to have lunch, and then an hour later for a break. I fell asleep, and didn't really wake up until we turned south on to the A16. 

We went straight to the Cité Europe, and the Swan Whisperer went into the Carrefour to buy wine and see whether they had any agrumes tea (they didn't). By the time he got back, I was very cold for some reason, and it was nice to have the heating up full blast during the short drive to the aire.

Mind you, I did not appreciate having to wait while the van in front of us blocked the entrance trying to find out how it worked... But they got through in the end. I'd booked ages ago, so no problem there. And we have had supper and I am shortly going to bed to keep warm, even though we do have the heating on as we have electricity. And tomorrow we will be home! 

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