19 October 2024

The Spanish Riding School at Wembley Arena

 A few days ago, we were in Vienna and saw some of the Lippizaner stallions in their winter quarters in the Hofburg - something on my bucket list.  I had never seen them live, but the Daughter cleverly found out that they were to perform in Wembley this weekend.  They were selling tickets at half-price, and as both the Swan Whisperer and the Boy wanted to go, the Daughter bought the tickets (we paid for ours), and sent ours to me, so that we would meet up in the arena.

It was an easy enough journey to Wembley - at Citymapper's suggestion, we changed at Green Park and then again at Finchley Road.  Not a station I'd ever consciously been to before, although as I've been to Wembley Arena before, I must have gone through it.  It's a cross-platform change to the Metropolitan Line, which then only has one stop until Wembley Park.  After which, it is a surprisingly long walk to either the Stadium or the Arena, but we got there in good time.  You weren't allowed to take liquids into the arena, but had to empty your water bottles before you went through security - the Swan Whisperer refilled both mine and the Daughter's bottles for us before the performance began.  Other than that, and a cursory check of one's bags, though, it was easy to get in, and plenty of stewards to tell and show you where to go.

We had lovely seats (obviously we couldn't take photos during the event). 

and could see absolutely everything.  The event was hosted by Nicki Chapman, who introduced each act and the videos in between that gave the horses and riders time to prepare.  

It was, obviously, wonderful.  But there is an awful lot that they don't show on television, like the horses that do the "schools above the ground" being so keen that they try to do them when it isn't their turn! Or when the riders momentarily lose control, as happened once or twice! We did wonder if they had sent their "B team" to perform, as it wasn't quite the perfection you expect from the television coverage of them.  But it was still pretty amazing.  Especially the "quadrille" that concluded the event.

There was a 30-minute interval, which we thought was excessive from the audience's point of view, but I dare say the horses and riders needed it.  The Swan Whisperer and the Boy went for an explore, and came back saying that popcorn was £6 for a small tub, so they decided not!  

On the way home, we went as far as King's Cross on the Metropolitan Line, and then changed there, so that we could go as far as possible with the other two, who, of course, took the northbound service as we took the southbound one!  We were home by about 11:15, but I am very tired today.

There are loads of videos on YouTube if you want to have a look at the performance for yourself - there's even one of a similar show at Wembley about 7 years ago!  I hadn't known they ever came to the UK....

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