10 October 2024

Early autumn holiday, 10 October 2024

Blériot-Plage, Calais, France

The sun was out this morning when we woke. The Swan Whisperer went for a run, as he usually does at Chamery, although he said that he had had to walk up some very slippery paths. When he came back and we had had breakfast, it was far too nice still to head straight on, so we went for a walk around the village and out into the vineyards. Every other house there either makes champagne, sells it, or both! It was very up and down, but I managed, although wearing my rather heavy waterproof trainers didn't help! 

Our first port of call was a nearby E Leclerc, where I did a Last Shop in France, and the Swan Whisperer got diesel. They do seem to have stopped making my "Agrumes" tea, which is very sad indeed. Oh well, can't be helped, and I do like Earl Grey. Anyway, I had to ring the Swan Whisperer to get him to come and carry the shopping, as I had only taken a small trolley (I had forgotten a token or coin for a big one) and they are not allowed out of the shop. 

Just as we were ready to leave, the rain started! We drove direct on the motorway, and stopped in a services not very far along to have lunch, and then an hour later for a break. I fell asleep, and didn't really wake up until we turned south on to the A16. 

We went straight to the Cité Europe, and the Swan Whisperer went into the Carrefour to buy wine and see whether they had any agrumes tea (they didn't). By the time he got back, I was very cold for some reason, and it was nice to have the heating up full blast during the short drive to the aire.

Mind you, I did not appreciate having to wait while the van in front of us blocked the entrance trying to find out how it worked... But they got through in the end. I'd booked ages ago, so no problem there. And we have had supper and I am shortly going to bed to keep warm, even though we do have the heating on as we have electricity. And tomorrow we will be home! 

09 October 2024

Early autumn holiday, 9 October 2024

Chamery, France

I hadn't originally intended for us to stop at Chamery tonight, but when I looked at our route to the place I'd originally earmarked, in Argonne, three places stood out for us that we know and like. The first was Amnéville, which would have been glorious, but which would also have meant a horrendously long drive tomorrow; then there was Les Islettes, which we nearly went for, but Chamery was only half an hour further and we know it's a relatively easy drive tomorrow. Plus it's free which Les Islettes isn't. 

Before we let Landstuhl, we went to an Edeka where I did a Last Shop in Germany; there was also a cheap clothes shop where I bought a couple of grey sweaters (ahem!) and then Woolworth's, which had the sort of shoes that are perfect for tai chi in my size for the princely sum of €1! Rude not to, really. I didn't quite like to use a card for just €1, so also bought another charging cable while I was at it. I would have liked a car plug for the latter, but if they had them, I didn't see them. Anyway, Edeka irritated me by being in the throes of reorganising itself, which meant that it was difficult to find anything. However, I did get most of what I wanted, with the exception of fresh orange juice, but I bought some juicing oranges which will take care of our breakfast needs for the next couple of days. 

It has not, however, been a very easy drive today. We woke up to a lovely sunrise, but "red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning!" and so it proved to be. It has rained on and off most of the day, although it did stop for awhile when we first crossed into France. We stopped at a service area for lunch as there were - when we eventually found them - motorhome services so we could empty our grey water, and after that I fell asleep and only woke up when we came off the motorway.

It has been raining pretty much constantly since we arrived; the Swan Whisperer did go out for a walk, but came back so wet he has had to change into his pyjamas! I am making a large vegetable stew/soup for supper, as it is raw and cold and nasty! This holiday is supposed to be early autumn, but right now it feels very Novemberish! 

08 October 2024

Early autumn holiday, 8 October 2024

Landstuhl, Germany (no, I don't know where that is, either!)

Oh dear. It rained. And it rained. And it rained. Not always, but sometimes, so heavily that you could barely see the lorry in front of you. And there were contra-flows, and more contra-flows. I swear that in Central Europe, more of the motorway is contraflow than isn't - or if that's not the case, it certainly feels like it! At one stage, the inside lane was full of virtually stationary lorries, which we were able to pass in the middle or outside lane at a reasonable speed, but this must have gone on for 20 kilometres or more. I felt sorry for the lorry drivers - and all the rest areas were so full no more lorries could get in there.

However, we made steady, if slow progress, and lunchtime found us at Sindsheim, home of one of the twin museums at Sindsheim and Speyer. We went to Speyer last year, but haven't been to Sindsheim since about 2011. There is a lot more museum there now, and it is a lot more expensive! We spent a very happy 90 minutes or so wandering round - separately, as we are not good at visiting museums together. The Swan Whisperer did go up on the roof to look at the Concorde and Tupolev planes, but I stayed firmly at ground level enjoying exhibitions about the Nurburgring and the Tour de France, as well as lots of different cars and trains and steamrollers and so on. But it was very wet outside. I'm glad I brought my more waterproof trainers - I just wish I'd worn them! As it was, I had to take my shoes off as soon as we were back in the WoMo, and have been wearing my slippers ever since. 

Then we drove on and on, in the pouring rain, heavy traffic, at least one long tailback. But when we crossed the Rhine, the rain disappeared and so did most of the traffic, and the drive from then on wasn't too bad. Only, when we got to where we had planned to spend the night, there it wasn't! It was full of builders and their equipment, so maybe they are making it nicer. Then again, maybe they aren't! 

The only alternative seemed to be an aire that only got one or at most two stars from reviewers, but honestly, there is very little wrong with it. The services appear to be out of use, but we weren't expecting services anyway, and being able to park for free is always nice. But we were both exhausted when we finally parked up!