Although there were more lorries on the motorway than there had been yesterday, they were not overwhelming, and it was an easy journey. We stopped in Memmingen for coffee, a visit to DM (I bought a solid shampoo bar there the other day and it is so very much nicer than the one I brought with me, which is rather drying, that I wanted to stock up, and there isn't a DM in Oberstdorf), and some milk and rolls for lunch from Edeka. The milk, the SW realised later, was a mistake, as he could have got fresh, unpasteurised stuff here in Oberstdorf - but the rate he goes through the stuff, it won't be long before he is ready to do that!
We arrived in Oberstdorf in nice time for lunch. The Stellplatz is pretty full, but we found a place all right, and it is now a great deal fuller.
The SW went for a walk and up to the rink to see what he could see, and who he could see. I should have liked to have gone with him but, alas, my silly lungs are informing me that they Do Not Like being at altitude, and as we did not, at that stage, have Kurkarten (since rectified), I didn't dare go further than Norma in case I had to get the bus back, and I'm not sure if it takes anything other than Kurkarten and P&R tickets. I did go over to Norma, though, but didn't see anybody I knew. The lovely bakery that was new last year is still here, which is great.
We are now checked in and paid, and supper is cooking. Tomorrow I must do a big shopping and get Saturday sausages and something nice for Sunday, too, although we might eat at Zohrans, above the rink, if there is anything we want to see there. We certainly won't eat there every night!
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