13 May 2024

Late spring holiday 2024; Monday 13 May

Oberstdorf, Allgäu, Bavaria

The weather forecast for today was absolutely dire, prophesying rain all day, but in fact, although there were a few showers through the night and into the early morning, the sun came out at lunchtime and we have had a lovely afternoon and early evening.

The competition started at 10.00, and our friend W was skating in the first class, so we made our way to the rink to watch her, and then stayed on to watch several other friends skate, many of whom ended up on the podium. We came away at lunchtime and bought filled rolls from the café next door, which we brought back to eat in the WoMo. The Swan Whisperer treated himself to a very large apfelstrudel, too! 

After lunch, he went back to the rink to watch a couple of friends of his, and I went to Norma and did a shopping, including a tubful of prepared fruit salad, which I had intended to share with the SW, but ended up scoffing the lot! I had hoped to go down to Woolworths to buy an inflatable cushion, as the seats in the rink are not exactly comfortable and are apt to induce severe chapelbottom (although doing a qi gong warmup during one of the resurfaces did really help), but ended up falling asleep, as per usual, and only woke up to get back to the rink in time to watch a few more friends skate, but after a bit I'd had enough, so I asked another skater to please throw my soaps to the various British skaters yet to perform, and we came back to the WoMo.

The sun was out and it was a lovely warm evening, so we sat out and read with a beer for about an hour, until the sun suddenly went behind a dark cloud and it was supper time, so we came in and ate. But the cloud had a silver lining.... 

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